So here I am, on the morning of December 30th. At my grandparents house in Chennai. Furiously typing this up for you, before lunch, because I know I won't find any other block of time to do this before New Year's Eve.
I feel compelled to give you some closure since that post from last year. At the time, I thought I would write more on here, to you. I just didn't get around to it. I'm sure you understand 😊.
Also, I'm a little torn about whether I should continue to address you directly like this, as I did in my first post, or just write these posts in some generic talk-about-myself-pensively way. I still have no idea why you even read these things.
Here's a list of the stuff I did this year -
- Jan: Chennai for New Year's
- Feb: Bangalore for Construkt Fest, and Alt-J
- April: Pune to chill
- May: NY/Brooklyn, NJ, D.C., Pittsburgh for Varun's graduation
- June: Chennai for a wedding; Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Miyajima on vacation
- Oct: Vansada, Gujarat to meet a friend doing some awesome work
- Dec: Chennai for New Year's
- Mental: Been practicing mindfulness and doing meditation exercises. Would strongly recommend the Stop, Breath and Think app. I'm doing a whole lot better on this front this year.
- Body: Intended to lose the 30lbs I gained in Seattle. Down about 10 to 15lbs now. This needs to be a part of the goals I'm setting for next year.
- Social: I met very few new people regularly in Seattle. One of the things I was looking forward to this year was meeting new people. I'm glad to say my friend network has grown by about 70 people in this past year alone :)
- Completed an account management and report tracking software system for a friend over 3 months
- Wrapping up deployment on a custom loyalty program. Worked on this for close to 6 months. Probably my best work yet.
I didn't have a plan for this past year, and I've been fortunate to find some good adventures along the way. However, I am putting together a plan for next year, that I'm super looking forward to executing on. Will be posting that soon.
So yeah. It's now 9:19pm on New Year's Eve. Took me forever to put this post together. But I'm hanging out with family, having a good time. It's been a good year :)
That's all folks!